My mama taught me better than that.

You know how some of wake up and plan our days thinking or hoping for them to turn out just as scripted. Well, in some cases, the day turns out better than expected, yet again, it(the day) may turn out worse than even imagined. Well, we never know what’s in store for us but each day we live in hope, hoping to have a good day, or just a polite one. Not something too much to ask for. Even when a day turns out to be monstrous, you still get on your knees, you don’t turn your back on God, no, my mama taught me better than that!

Tuesday afternoon, I leave the office with not much thought running through my head. It’s a cold afternoon, so the songs playing in my head are not the ribena/always advert songs.(On bright afternoons, you’ll stumble on such songs going through my mind. However, for this afternoon, a simple soft rock song finds its way to my lips. Then out of the blues, now in town, a stranger asks me for directions. I tell him I don’t know of any family bank around there so I walk on. He then walks with my pace & starts telling me stories. Now instead of walking away, I entertain him, surely, my mama taught me better than to talk to strangers.

In the long run, he ends up thugging my phone. Now if I write it here how he did so, those of you with beer bottles will end up smacking them on my head and for the luhya’s reading this, they’ll pour hot tea on my head. To save myself from such wrath, I do choose not to go into details onto how my phone stopped being mine. Just know that like the wind, I saw it go. When I realized I was the latest victim of robbery, I did not cry, no my mama taught me better than that, I laughed.

Mixed reactions going through my head but somehow laughter still lies upon my lips. Now I run to the nearest safaricom shop and replace my sim card. I remain dazed then I search for a simu ya jamii, he charges 5 bob a second. In less than a minute, I part with 100/= Surely I was tempted to shout idiot (pronounce as eye.diot) to his face, but my mama taught me better than that!

Because I was naive, I lost my phone. People still steal and the world is so damn dark, their hearts are filled with malice. No sugar no spice, not everything nice, no, you’ll find that in a cartoon, not in hearts. In their hearts, expect chemical X. When I told my dad the tale, he told me the streets rule, ;everyone in the streets is guilty until proven innocent’

That night I could have chosen to curse that man but I didn’t. I also won’t lie that I prayed for him. All in all, I learned my lesson – stick to the stuff that your mama taught you!

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